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veganism and vegetarianism

 ♦  VEGAN VEGetarianism & Animal Rights  ♦

        magazine articles by Mark Mathew Braunstein

fake food / fake meat
Confessions of a Vegan Food Purist  (1MB PDF)
Spirit of Change - Holistic New England - Spring 2022


Article originally was more honestly titled “Confessions of a Vegan Food Snob.”

Also the web edition on the magazine's own website here.


( 2MB

  PDF )

Spirit of Change - Holistic New England - Fall 2020
This provocative title chronicles the dilemma of being a whole-foods vegan among junk-food omnivores. All 3 wildlife photos are by the author.
Also the web edition on the magazine's own website here.
mindful eating
Spirit of Change - Holistic New England - Fall 2017
More about how to eat rather than just what to eat. With a short reference to veganism, along with its implicit barb against carnivorism, I consider this article one of the most profound I have ever written (a comment to be taken with a ton of salt.)
baked potato

(300K PDF)

Spirit of Change - Holistic New England - Spring 2017

Though titled in this New England magazineHungry in New England, this strategy for being a vegan in a carnivorous society applies anywhere a Wendy's drive-thru is to be found. 

Big Fish Eat Little Fish

FISH - The Other Fright Meat    (1MB PDF)


Healing Our World - The Magazine of Hippocrates Health Institute - Summer 2012


Among the other contributors to this issue devoted to why not to eat fish is Jonathan Safran Foer, the author of several novels and of Eating Animals

radical vegan fist

The RAW TRUTH    (410K PDF)


Healing Our World - The Magazine of the Hippocrates Health Institute  -  Fall 2013 issue. 


A  rating system for evaluating one's diet, in which one need not eat 100 percent raw. I for instance eat 100 percent raw .... 80 percent of the time.  (And 100 percent vegan ... 1000 percent of the time.)

NO meat

I'(500K PDF)

Healing Our World - The Magazine of Hippocrates Health Institute - Winter 2015-16


A calculus to help determine how long and in what health a carnivore or a vegan might live.

Rynn Berry

A TRIBUTE to RYNN BERRY    (3.4 MB PDF - be patient while this loads!)


Vegetarian Voice - Spring 2014 issue. 


A eulogy for my friend Rynn Berry, author of several books on the history of veganism and vegetarianism

basil microgreens

MICROGREENS - How to Grow Microgreens Cheaply, Cleanly and Easily   (420K PDF)


Vegetarian Voice - Winter 2011 issue. 


An early introductory draft for my book MICROGREEN GARDEN

Union Stockyard Gate



Vegetarian Times - March 1980 issue. 


The article marked the first time that VEGETARIAN TIMES published anything espousing veganism. The article indeed was branded as radical in 1980, but it hardly is radical now.   


wild animals food chain



East West Journal (now called Natural Health) - February 1990 issue. 


EAST WEST was the finest holistic magazine of its time. A testament to its quality is the beautiful and compelling graphic by Adele Maestranzi [mizadelem [at]] that illustrates my article. Reproduced above with Adele's kind permission.

the Trumpeter ecosophy

All current and back issues of this Canadian-based international journal are available at THE TRUMPETER's website. 

 The BEAST in the BELLY: How Our Food Choices Affect Wildlife      (300K PDF)


The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy (Eco-Philosophy) web reprint of Fall 1990 issue. 


The full-length version of the article directly above that appeared in EAST WEST. For this issue about Wildlife, I  was guest editor. (How else could I slip in my own article alongside those of Tom Regan and David Abram and Jim Nollman?)

NO cow

WHY and HOW to WEAN from COW    (500K PDF)


Country Connections - September 1995 issue.


A earlier version of this article first appeared in the March 1984 issue of 21st CENTURY JOURNAL and the Summer 1985 issue of VEGETARIAN VOICE -- during the early 80's when both the word and tenets of veganism were unknown, even to vegetarians.

Between the Species



Between the Species - A Journal for the Study of Philosophy and Animals - Fall 1985 


My stages along life's way as a vegetarian beginning in 1966 at age 15. Reprinted in several other publications, including VEGETARIAN VOICE.

Web reprints at: 


man on horseback

A FAMINE throughout the LAND    (2MB PDF)


The Mystic Muse - Spring 1987 issue. 


Fable about a quest to attain nutritional enlightenment, in which the protagonist Mr Chuck Steak journies from carnivorism to vitamin pills to macrobiotics to ethical veganism to anorexia.




Animals' Agenda - January 1990 issue. 


James Strecker's Recipes for Flesh and Jean Pearson's On Speaking Terms with Earth.

Also review of The Criminal Prosecution of Animals. 

vegetarianism in art

VEGAN VEGETARIANISM in ART  (Link directs to another of my webpages)


Vegetarian Times - September 1980 issue. (this also can be titled Meat in Art)


Cover story badly butchered by the editors, so instead I provide an updated version of my slide lecture on another webpage to which this links.

Happy Cow vegan directory

VEGAN & VEGETARIAN Restaurant Guide to Connecticut -- Eastern half


Keeping the RANT in RestauRANT   (42 page PDF, 670K)  Updated June 2024


Published also at:  where you must click "Photos & Reviews"


This is a restaurant guide to vegan and vegetarian OPTIONS in carnivorous restaurants and to real vegan and real vegetarian restaurants in eastern Connecticut .




Nov-Dec 2024 issue of Neighbors Paper


Reviews of HEIRLOOM FOOD CO in Danielson, MEI’S KITCHEN in Griswold, FENTON RIVER GRILL in Mansfield Center, TRIGO WOOD FIRED PIZZA in Willimantic, & WILLIMANTIC FOOD CO-OP in Willimantic.

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